XP-el, an abbreviation of Experimental Workshop Electricity, is an Electronics Association situated Luleå University of Technology.
XP-el was founded in May 1975, then under the Machine Technology Section and in close collaboration with XP-M. XP-el later became a sub-association of the Data Section and later moved to its own locale.
From its inception, XP-el were organizing electronics construction courses and similar activities. At that time, members were encouraged to repair their broken radios at XP-el. In addition to that, other electronic contraptions were built in the form of customized circuit boards and so much more.
XP-el has changed premises a number of times. At the end of 1994, XP-el were forced to change to the room that is now the ventilation room for the server hall in Building A. See picture:
At the turn of the year 2015, House A underwent a major renovation, which meant that XP-el had the fortune to upgrade their locale, and were assigned to the old 'Microland' in House A. With the considerably larger premises, Nils Fredriksson (Head of XP-el. 2014-2015) and the rest of the board were able to upgrade equipment and better the association's opportunities and facilities considerably.
With process ventilation and a dedicated chemistry corner (which is located far from the kitchen area), the locale can be used simultaneously by significantly more members than what the old one allowed for.
XP-el's old workbenches were rebuilt and converted from double-sided to wall-mounted, and equipped with deep shelves of XP-els own design, which was well suited for instruments such as oscilloscopes, bench power supplies, frequency generators and so forth.
Currently XP-el organizes an annual PCB Course where all students/employees at LTU are welcome to learn how to make their own PCB's. The course is highly recommended for beginners who have an interest in electronics.